Thursday 10 April 2014

Day 3

Welcome back or just welcome if this is the first time you're here :)

After spending some time reading "Kill Everyone" I realized that I should probably be doing some more targeted reading. I spent a little time searching and reading forums, articles and other blogs and it seemed like "Secrets of Sit 'n' gos" was the book I needed. Obviously, the format that I am attempting first will therefore be SnG's. I picked up a copy of the book and started reading through some of it yesterday. I'm only on about page 50 so I've still got quite some reading to do and the interesting bits are yet to come.

I'm sticking to my plan of only starting at the end of this month which means my current VIP status will be reset but I'm not too phased about that at the moment. It's been quite tough trying not to play and studying instead but I've been disciplined enough to stick to my plan thus far.

In the first few pages of "Secrets of Sit 'n' gos" it mentions some additional software that you should look into like using a HUD or ICM calculators and sites like Sharkscope for player information and the likes. I'm not too sure on this yet. I would love to purchase something like hold'em manager or sitngo wizard but I don't have R1000+ laying around right now. Should I invest in one of these before I start playing seriously? I'm not sure. Maybe I could convince my wife to buy it for me as a birthday gift :P

Anyway, all I'll be doing for now (when my tight schedule allows) is studying. I'll probably start looking into coaching vids online some time soon as these have popped up in my searches I mentioned earlier.

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