Wednesday 9 April 2014

In the beginning

I guess every blogger goes through this "starting phase" where you have no idea what to write to begin with. Do you jump straight in to the bigger picture or do you share some random (useless) info about yourself that not many people will even remember by the time they get to the second paragraph. Let's go with the latter.

My name's Kirk and I'm a Java software developer living in Cape Town. Happily married with a baby boy on the way. I guess this info will factor into the "bigger picture" as it will give you guys some context into what my commitments are like.

So ... where am I going with this? I've always dreamed of becoming a poker pro and that is a goal that I really want to reach within the next few months/years. I started playing poker some time ago and I found that I had a natural talent for No Limit Hold'em. I would go to local tournaments and would generally cash in most of them and win the odd weekly tournament. When the casino opened a poker pit I had some time off and turned R500 into about R14000 in two weeks playing R10/R20 NL cash games. At the time I was just doing it for fun and spent the money on random things. I've had the same runs on Pokerstars and when grinding from $10 to $100 I get "bored" and enter random tournaments and eventually blow my bankroll. I guess I lacked the discipline to just keep grinding. However, my plan here is to develop that discipline and turn my $x into something I can use to pursue my ultimate goal of going pro.

I mentioned commitments earlier on and to elaborate a bit on that, I'll give you a break down. I work a job where I'm at the office for about 8-10 hours a day. I do MMA twice a week to keep fit as well as attend gym every second day (well I try at least). As I mentioned, I have a pregnant wife and we have a daughter as well that does a range of extra mural activities that takes up time but she loves them and I wouldn't deny her any opportunity to do something she enjoys. So, does this make my goal impossible? No, but it does make it a but more difficult that the average person trying to achieve the same thing.

How am I going to go about this? I have almost no real strategy at the moment. I guess that's why I'm here writing this, hoping to formalize something. I read a great blog from a new addition to the Pokerstars Team Online that inspired a lot of what I am doing. You can have a look at it here

I know I need to start spending more time studying and I recently obtained a copy of Kill Everyone which I am going to go through for the rest of this month. I plan to start this journey from the 1st of May so I have 3 weeks to develop a more disciplined mindset while looking for the right format to increase my bankroll from whatever I decide to start with. Comments, suggestion and any feedback would be appreciated and I look forward to spending this journey with whatever readers come along for the ride.

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